I take very seriously the privilege of inspecting your prospective home. You will never need to question my agenda or loyalty to you.

I do not provide direct or indirect compensation to real estate agents or real estate companies for inclusion on a "preferred" inspector list. If I am recommended, it is solely because I have earned a good reputation for thoroughness and professionalism over the years.

I do not recommend any specific contractors for work that may need to be done on your home. Because I am in a unique position to create work for contractors, I feel it is therefore a conflict of interest to recommend specific contractors.

I do not accept any direct or indirect compensation from contractors or realtors. I also do not sell or provide ads to them on my website or business literature.

Unfortunately, every one of the above situations happens on a daily basis in our region with other home inspectors. I pledge to not take part in those activities, and to keep your interests at the forefront of everything that I do as an inspector.


(585) 343-7873

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